Monday, October 20, 2008

Reflection #3

I'm not really sure if this website will count... but I really like it. It is called: woot . It's a website that has one item everyday for a discounted price - usually it's really nice stuff on the more technological side. Once a month they will have a "woot off" where they go through their entire month's inventory and auction it off one after the other for great prices. I don't know that this website would be a great one to share with your students, but it could be a great resource for teachers. They may have just what you need to complete a project for a whole lot less money - or it could be inspiration!

They also have a shirt woot that is a competition for the best t-shirt design. This could be a great idea or example to show students for a similar competition in the classroom.

1 comment:

Ms. Horn said...

I'm glad you posted this website! It's important to have the resources to accomplish all of the cool new teaching lessons involving technology. It's practical and great to have tools to expand our ability to make learning fun.