Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Greatest Challenge...

What is my greatest challenge regarding teaching and technology? Well, at the school that I am currently at, it is simply access to technology. We are fortunate enough to at least have a projector, docucam, and overhead, but not much beyond that. There are a couple of computers in the classroom, but I've never seen the kids use it. To my knowledge there is no computer lab or anything. I'm not sure how I could overcome this in my current position, but if I were a teacher I would have a few more options. I could talk to the administration to see if there are any hidden resources in the school or in the budget that could be used to enhance technology. I could apply for grants or talk to other teachers to see if they have any resources we don't have access to. I could also bring in what I have at home to at least give the kids some exposure. It would be difficult, but there are definitely some solutions.

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