Monday, October 6, 2008

Cool Cat Blog

I decided to read the Cool Cat Teacher Blog, and it is amazing. It is a great example of the potential a blog has, particularly as a teaching tool. She has put so many links on there as resources or connections to other educators, as well as put several projects up that the class is doing. Her blogs are also really interesting. One in particular that I found interesting was the special needs blog . I am taking a special needs in education class, so reading this article from a teacher's perspective was really insightful.

Overall, the Cool Cat Teacher did a great job of putting together a website that is abounding with information, resources and fun activities. It will be a great tool to use in the future, as well as a great example of what I could do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree completly with you, Leah! I had already picked my blog's that I looked at, but after reading your post, I had to go and look at what the special needs page was all about and it was very useful.