Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I want to learn...

What do I want to focus on this semester? It seems almost an overwhelming question, since there seems to be so much I don't know yet. With that in mind, I think that I would like to generally have a better understanding of the technological world. I mean, how do you find out about this stuff anyway? There seems to be new stuff appearing every day, that I know my students will have access to... how do I not fall behind? and how do I get ahead , when I feel like I'm already somewhat behind? That is what I hope to gain this semester. A better understanding of what is available, how to use what is available, and how to incorporate it into my classroom. This goal seems pretty vague and general I know, but I really can't think of another one when I feel that I don't even know where to begin...

1 comment:

Prof. Sorenson said...

You have asked a lot of good questions and I think that at the end of the semester you will find that you have discovered the answers to your questions and some great technology tools that you can use in your classroom.