Monday, September 22, 2008

Improving Instruction with Interactive White Boards

I read the article Improving Instruction with Interactive White Boards by D. Schaffhauser.
I found it very interesting to see how a specific principal decided to use the white boards and the effect it is having on the school. It was also refreshing to see that this particular example was not a "rich" school district - it really seemed pretty average. Though the principal wasn't sure how they were going to get the funding, she truly believed that introducing Smartboards was the right way to go and made it happen.

At the end of the article, the principal told how she was funding all of the Smartboards, and really she simply re-organized her budget. She cut out things that were no longer necessary, some of which she didn't even know what it was anymore. She also cut costs on the way the Smartboards were set up. All of this shows that with some smart planning and re-evaluating, most school districts could slowly afford to uprgrade their technology.

All in all, the article provided some good insight into a real example of how Smartboards are coming into action in one school. It really shows that Smartboards do make an impact.

1 comment:

Miss Rachel said...

I liked your perspective on this article! I read the same article and felt the same way. Do you think we could get our schools to do the same budget reorginization and get the same results? Hmm...