Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reflection #9

I'm sure we've all heard of youtube... but have you heard of school tube ? It's just like you tube, except specifically for schools. It's a "moderated safe site". I'm not really sure how... but that's what they advertise. Schools can create an account and then share all different types of media with other schools or even just family members who want to see what they've been up to. They also have a site with educational games that they're working on, so that students can go there to play games rather than playing mindless free games they find on the internet.I think this would be an awesome site to use in with schools to get kids interested in and using technology, as well as a great way to network with other schools all over.

1 comment:

Prof. Sorenson said...

Great find -- thanks for sharing this. techertube.com is a similiar site