Monday, November 17, 2008

Internet Safety Issues

Kids today face so many different dangers than ever before because of the advancement of technology. For all of its many benefits, there are also many dangers that come along with immersing today's children in technology.

There is the danger of child predators, cyber bullying and exposing pop-ups. Because of these it is important that adults have filters in place and strongly communicate acceptable behavior on the internet to their children. I think one of the biggest dangers however is that of cyber-bullying since it is not easily preventable. Filters can be in place for predators and pop-ups, but it is up to the individual child what they say on the internet. The best we can do as educators is to strongly inform children about the consequences of bullying on the playground and that these rules don't change just because you can't actually see the other person. Bullying is never acceptable - a fact that must be emphasized more than it is.

1 comment:

Director said...

That's so true. I didn't even think about bullying. My school is doing a huge program through homeroom this year on bullying. It really is a big problem. People often talk differently over the internet because it's easier to be mean if you can't see the other person. I do think parents need to keep a good eye on internet interactions. Teachers are also a good source to teach children good internet manners.