Tuesday, November 4, 2008

K12 online conference

I really enjoyed looking around the conference site and seeing how many people were involved in it. I had no idea anything like this existed, and I'm thrilled at what a great resource this will be in the future. The session that I "attended" was: web 2.0 and 21st century learning

It was really a pretty basic concept, but I thought it was neat considering all we've been learning this semester. In this session a teacher from Kansas talked about how she created a class in her high school that was specifically for seniors, preparing them for the real world through technology. In this class they each received a Macbook to use for the year, and with this they were able to explore many different forms of technology. It sounded a lot like what we've been doing this semester, except each student was provided with top-notch resources and it was for a whole year. Also, since this was in high school, I can't even imagine the benefit this would have on those students' work eligibility. The video also provided some examples of technology projects the students had done which were pretty interesting. They were definitely beginner samples, but still, they were projects the students had created themselves - which is more than I can say I have done.

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